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Water Update

Good afternoon our esteemed customers; We would like to inform you that the water supply is stable in all stations except Kwale due to the rationing between Kwale and Mombasa. Ukunda and Tiwi supply is towards the Community Line. Mzima, Kombani, Matuga, Lutsangani, Msambweni, Lungalunga (minimal), Mkanda, supply is Okay. NOTE: KINDLY PAY YOUR BILL […]

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Good afternoon our esteemed customers; We would like to inform you that water supply is stable in all stations. Ukunda and Tiwi supply is towards the Community Line. Kwale supply is towards Sida. Mzima, Kombani, Matuga, Lutsangani, Msambweni, Lungalunga (minimal), Mkanda, supply is Okay. NOTE : KINDLY PAY YOUR BILL TO ENABLE US SERVE YOU



Good afternoon our esteemed customers; We would like to inform you that water supply is stable in all stations except Ukunda and Tiwi due to bursts on both the Beach and Community Lines. Kwale supply is towards Forest Line. Mzima, Kombani, Matuga, Lutsangani, Msambweni, Lungalunga (minimal), Mkanda, supply is Okay. NOTE : KINDLY PAY YOUR



Good morning our esteemed customers; We would like to inform you that water supply is stable in all stations except Kinango due to repairs along the line. Tiwi and Ukunda , supply is towards the Community line. Kwale supply is towards Kwale High and Kwale Hospital. Mzima, Kombani, Matuga, Lutsangani, Msambweni, Lungalunga (minimal), Mkanda, supply


Water Updates

Good afternoon our esteemed customers; We would like to inform you that water supply is stable in all stations except Kwale due to the rationing between Kwale and Mombasa. Tiwi and Ukunda , supply is towards the Community line. Mzima, Kombani, Matuga, Lutsangani, Lungalunga (minimal), Mkanda, Kinango, Mazola supply is Okay. NOTE : KINDLY PAY

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Water Update

Good afternoon our esteemed customers; We would like to inform you that the water supply is stable in all stations except Lungalunga due to low voltage. Mkanda supply has been restored. Kwale supply is towards Gopha, Kwa Bande, and Forest Line (Kwa Mwamlole). Tiwi and Ukunda, supply is towards the Beach line. Mzima, Kombani, Matuga,

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Water Supply

Good morning our esteemed customers; We would like to inform you that the water supply is stable in all stations except Mkanda due to ongoing repairs at the pump station and Msambweni due to an electrical fault. Kwale supply is towards Jezza A until 2. PM. Tiwi and Ukunda, supply is towards the Community line.

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Water Supply

Good afternoon our esteemed customers; We would like to inform you that the water supply is stable in all stations except Mkanda due to ongoing repairs at the pump station, Msambweni due to an electrical fault, Kwale and Kinango due to power blackout. Tiwi and Ukunda, supply is towards the Community line. Mzima, Kombani, Matuga,

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Water Supply

We would like to inform you that the water supply is stable in all stations except Mkanda due to low voltage and ongoing repairs, Mzima due to the Taru burst that Coast Water Development Agency is handling and Kwale due to the rationing between Kwale and Mombasa. Tiwi and Ukunda, supply is towards the Community

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Water Update

Good afternoon our esteemed customers; We would like to inform you that the water supply is stable in all stations except Mkanda due to ongoing repairs and Mzima due to the Taru burst reported yesterday. Tiwi and Ukunda, supply are towards the Beach line. Kwale supply is towards County Offices until 12 noon and later

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