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Water Update

Good morning our esteemed customers; We would like to inform you that water supply is stable in all stations except Msambweni due to low voltage. Kwale supply is towards Kwale Hospital, Mwambara, Tsimba, Nyando B and then Wayani from 11 p.m. Direct pumping is towards Jeza B. Ukunda and Tiwi supply is towards the Community

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Water Supply

Good afternoon our esteemed customers; We would like to inform you that water supply is stable in all stations. Kwale, we are filling Godoni Tank. Ukunda and Tiwi supply is towards the Community Line. Mzima, Kombani (minimal) Matuga, Lutsangani, Msambweni, Lungalunga (minimal), Mkanda, Kinango supply is Okay. NOTE : KINDLY PAY YOUR BILL TO ENABLE

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Good afternoon our esteemed customers; We would like to inform you that water supply is stable in all stations except Kwale due to the rationing between Kwale and Mombasa and Mzima due to a burst on the mainline. Ukunda and Tiwi supply is towards the Beach Line. Kombani (minimal) Matuga, Lutsangani, Msambweni, Lungalunga (minimal), Mkanda,